Webasto Blue Cool Premium - Supplied and fitted by Boatcraft
Blue Cool Premium air-conditioners offer all-round climate comfort for your boat. Ideal for boats with multiple cabins, this completely integrated Chiller air-conditioner offers perfect all-round comfort.
Webasto Blue Cool Premium air-conditioners consist of a cooling aggregate and one or more fan heat exchangers. The cooling unit is installed in the engine room to save space. For more efficient use of your air-conditioner you can optimally distribute heat with the Air Handlers and control the temperature in each cabin individually. The fan heat exchangers are available in different performance variants, so they can be matched to any cabin size.
Advantages of a Webasto Blue Cool Premium air conditioning system are;
• Individual temperature control and cold air distribution in all cabins.
• Possibility of a complete comfort system by integrating a water heating system.
• Ease of installation due to pre-filled cooling circuit and prefabricated wiring harness.
• Dehumidification of cabins.
• Seawater resistant materials and environmentally friendly refrigerant.
• Simple to use, service friendly and low on maintenance.
• Optional heating by reversing flow in circuit (with water temp. over 10 degrees).
Boatcraft can advise you on the many options available on this air conditioning system. Call us on 01294 603 047.

Air Conditioning Controllers
Webasto's Blue Cool control units let you choose between two operating modes: fully automatic mode in which the interior temperature is monitored and the Webasto air conditioning system cools your cabin automatically as soon as the programmed temperature is overshot; or semi-automatic mode, in which you control the fan output so that you can, for instance, reduce the airflow at night for a more peaceful sleep.
Air Control
This unit controls the air-conditioner (and Air Handler depending on the model). Set the desired room temperature and the Webasto air-conditioners cool automatically.
Chiller Control
In addition to controlling you air-conditioner, the same control unit also offers complete control of your water heater. Simply enter the desired temperature and the rest is automatic.

Whenever 3 or more independent volumes in a yacht need to be air-conditioned, it becomes worth considering a central chiller system. To distribute refrigeration capacity over several independently operating air-handlers from one single central cooling unit, the most flexible and simple solution is to install a chilled water circulation system between the central unit and the air-handlers. This mixed
water/glycol circuit is maintained at approx. +4 °C.
All Webasto chiller units are equipped with high efficiency multi-plate exchangers.
All Scroll/Rotary compressor units are dual-frequency 50/60Hz; when running under 60 Hz cooling capacity is
increased by approx. 10%. Temperature regulation of the central chiller unit only concerns the water temperature regardless of the number of active airhandlers. Air-handlers/ blowers can therefore be slowed down or even completely stopped without any incidence for the normal operation of the central chiller unit.
By slowing down blower speed or stopping selected airhandlers altogether, effective capacity transfer to the other
active air-handlers is obtained. This allows to install air-handler over-capacity in specific locations to cope with
particularly difficult conditions (wheelhouse with excessive glass area, etc.).
Since the condenser gives off heat, it is possible to produce heat with this air conditioning system. The cooling circuit is redirected through a 4-way valve so its heat is given off to the cabin air rather than to the seawater. The evaporator
functions as a condenser instead and reaches a heat of approx. 45-50 °C. Once the seawater temperature reaches
about 10 °C, the reversed heating cycle almost ceases to be effective and its function can be replaced by an auxiliary
heater (e.g. Thermo 90 ST).
When both systems (cooling and heating) are combined, they are nevertheless controlled fully automatically using the control unit (total climate control).
400 V - 3 PHASE
As from 30000 BTU upwards, all single compressor as well as the multicompressor units can be delivered in 3 ph 400V - 50/60 Hz (Scroll).
Other Voltages such as 208 - 3 Phase 60 Hz can also be delivered for certain models (for example 208 V, 3-phase AC, 60 Hz).